Monday, September 19, 2011

A Message From Pandora - Avatar's Director James Cameron Calls To Save The Amazon Rainforest

James Cameron is not only one of the greatest, maximum significant, and most history making managers of our period, but he also has a message! With creating 'Pandora' in his latest film 'Avatar' he recreated our world how it once had been. He shows us the charm of nature, the asset, and the magic we don't see since we take it for acknowledged, but that actually surrounds us and to which we have to come behind.

Just the same essential, James foreshadows a quite particular hereafter that awaits us, if we don't take operation and make a feud today. Someday there probably is not more green and resources in this world and mankind probably exploits additional intact ecosystems, but at the same time kills their citizens for well like ahead ashore earth in mandate to survive -- afresh calculating merely of its own sake!

Now the Brazilian administration is planing to create the world's third biggest dike in the Amazon. This dam not only destroys the habitat of countless animals and prehistoric peoples, but it also strongly influences the rainforest itself and its tree population. James Cameron made a short documentation on this latest heading. This whole topic is especially sad since we need each tree living that we tin reserve alive in order the retention the climate's and ecosystem's equilibrium. And it's even worse: In fact we'd must afforest one area as big as Canada in order to entirely regain and balance the ecosystem we've destroyed as yet!

I understand, it's dreadful to be portion of the species that is almost to kill earth, but: We too have the aptitude to love, and there are so many pretty things that human have created and still do establish! Men are no all the same, and in fact, it's only a very small minority that ruthlessly takes everything and due to whom nature falls victim to profit. Unfortunately, we -- all of us who are on the Na'vi's side alternatively even want to be an of them ourselves -- only think that there's also few of us and that we don't have whichever power!

Sure, the hall has huge money and thus influence, but we are robust, and we are many, and we are the majority. We won't permit that some profit-hungry profiteers take liberties of devastating our world because bottom motives like making more money although they yet have got more than ample!

"The sky-people have sent us a message - that they can take however they want and no one can stop it. But we will bring them a message: [...] We will show the sky-people that they cannot take whatever they want! And that this, this is our land!" (Jake Sully, Avatar)

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